The Magpie's Jewel Box

A treasure trove of sparkly bits and pieces

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The magpie resurfaces

Magpie perched on stone email small

Hello everyone, sorry for the long silence but life has been eventful.

In April I had an operation to remove a cataract from my right eye. The op went fine but I avoided working on my laptop for a while to ensure everything healed quickly, which I’m glad to say it has.

Then, last month I lost my job so a lot of my time since then has been spent on looking for a new role. It’s a full time job in itself!

And now I’m in the middle of selling my house so, with what’s left of my spare time, I’ve been dealing with estate agents, legal people and sorting out an awful lot of belongings. One thing that I really, really hope I’ll find during the sort out is an old diamond ring. It was given to me as a gift from an ex-boyfriend several years ago. One year, when I was going on holiday, I hid the ring somewhere so that it would be ‘safe’. However, I’ve never been able to remember where I put it so I’m very much hoping I discover it again as I’d be really sad to lose it. Watch this space ….

In the meantime, I’m off to my silver jewellery course tonight which I mentioned in an earlier posting. It’s a 5-week course being held in Birmingham’s Jewellery Quarter. I’m having great fun and so far have made a silver ring and am about to complete a pair of silver earrings, with a bangle to follow. Photos and write-up to follow.

Never having worked with metal before, I had no idea what I would be capable of. I have quite surprised myself and have had great fun learning techniques and experimenting with various tools. Best of all, Victoria Delany, our tutor is very talented and a really patient teacher!

More later …